Cobb County students may access their Naviance College and Career Readiness program through their CCSD Office 365 account. Students may view their CCSD Office 365 account information via their CCSD StudentVue login.
Please use the guides below to access your account and begin exploring both college and career options and opportunities.Please read carefully regarding Naviance and the college application process. Failure to follow the steps below will result in a delay in processing application materials.
Accessing your Naviance Account- Through the Cobb County District Website
- Visit
- Click on “Find It Fast”
- Click on Naviance
- Login with your Office365 Information
- Username: ID Number
- Password: password used to log in to computers @ Kell
| Matching the Common App Account in Naviance- Go to Colleges I’m Applying to List
- Select the hot pink bar to Match Accounts
- Enter the email address used for Common App Account
- Confirm the birthday is correct
- Select Match Accounts
Adding Colleges to Naviance & Requesting an Official Transcript (2-Step Process) 1. Add college you are applying to Naviance.
- Log onto your Naviance student account.
- Select the COLLEGES tab.
- Under COLLEGES select “Colleges I’m Applying To”
- Click on “+”, add each college/university, including application information
- Click “Add Application”
2. TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS- this year, you will request & pay for transcripts through MYPAYMENTSPLUS
- For Common Application documents, you MUST link your Common App account to your Naviance account.
- Your college must be added to your Naviance account for your transcript to be sent.
- It is your responsibility to complete ALL parts of the above process, or transcripts will not be sent.
| Teacher Recommendation Requests
- Login to your Naviance account
- Click on the COLLEGES tab
- Click ADD REQUEST and select teacher from drop down list
- Click CHOOSE SPECIFIC COLLEGES from your COLLEGES I’M APPLYING TO list and then assign that teacher to specific colleges (DO NOT choose “All current and future colleges I add to my Colleges I'm Applying To” list)
The student is responsible to monitor all required documents are sent and received by the college. Students can track this through their Naviance account. Be aware that it can take several weeks for colleges to process transcripts, letters, etc., and to update online application status checks. To track Common App documents, you can also sign in to your Common App account and see when all of your documents were completed.
How to Video Linking Common App Account to Naviance Account